SPECIFICATION FOR CLEARING AND GRUBBING : Scope, Description, Execution, Measurement and Payment



(1) Scope

            The Section covers the clearing and grubbing necessary for the construction of the works covered by the contract. Conservation of the top soil and flora is also covered under this Section.

(2) Description of Work

(a) Clearing

Clearing shall consist of the cutting, removing and disposal of all tree, bushes, shrubs, grass, weeds, other vegetation, anthills, rubbish, fences, top organic soil not exceeding 150 mm in thickness and all other objectionable material, resulting from the clearing and grubbing. It shall also include the removal and disposal of structures that obtrude, encroach upon or otherwise obstruct the work. The moving of a certain amount of soil or gravel material may be inherent to or unavoidable during the process of clearing and no extra payment shall be made for this. Clearing shall include the removal of all rocks and boulders of up to 0.15 m 3 in size exposed or lying on the surface.

(b) Grubbing

In the roadway all trees up to 300 mm girth, stumps and roots shall be removed to a depth of not less than 900 mm below the finished road level and a minimum of 500 mm below the original ground level whichever is lower. Except in borrow areas the cavities resulting from the grubbing shall be backfilled with approved material and compacted to a density not less than the density of the surrounding ground.

(c) Conservation of Top Soil

Where suitable topsoil exists within the limits of the area to be cleared and grubbed, the Contractor shall, if ordered by the Engineer, remove the topsoil together with any grass and other suitable vegetation. If not used immediately, the topsoil shall be transported and deposited in stockpiles for later use.

(d) Conservation of Flora

Where provided for in the contract, certain designated flora encountered in the road reserve and borrow areas shall be carefully protected by the Contractor. In his tendered rate for Site Clearance, he shall include for the careful removal and planting of the flora in a protected and fenced-off area and, on completion of the road, for the replanting of the flora in suitable positions in the road reserve in accordance with the Engineer’s instructions.


(3) Execution of Work

(a) Areas to be Cleared and Grubbed

Stumps, embedded logs, roots and all other vegetation growth and accumulated rubbish of whatsoever nature and all other objectionable material shall be completely removed to a depth as specified. Normally the portions of the road reserve that fall within the limits of the road prism, as well as certain borrow areas shall be cleared and/or grubbed. Where the road reserve is to remain unfenced, the full width of the road reserve shall be cleared and/or grubbed except for such trees designated by the Engineer to be left standing and uninjured. The Contractor shall mark the boundaries of the area for clearing and grubbing and seek the approval of the Engineer before commencement of the work. The Engineer shall designate in detail the exact areas to be cleared, and grubbed and the time at which it shall be done.

(b) Cutting of Trees

The Contractor shall take the necessary precautions to damage to structures and other private or public property. If necessary, trees shall be cut in sections from the top downwards. The branches of trees to be left standing shall be trimmed so as not to intrude into a space of 7m above the roadway. Such individual trees as the Engineer may designate and mark in white paint shall be left standing and uninjured. In order to minimize damage to trees that are to be left standing, trees shall be felled towards the center of the areas being cleared, if so required by the Engineer. Permission for cutting trees must be obtained from the competent authority who may require that trees be numbered, measured and marked in the presence of officials from that authority. Cutting of such trees shall then be carried out by the Contractor and the timber stored at designated locations. Felling and cutting of trees on the site and pilling them off the site shall conform to the requirements of the competent authority. All tree trunks and branches in excess of 150 mm in diameter shall be cleaned off, secondary branches cut into suitable length and stacked at sites indicated by the Engineer. Such timber shall not be used by the Contractor for any purpose and shall remain the property of the Employer. All timber except such timber as can be used and all brush, stumps, roots, rotten wood and other refuse from the clearing and grubbing operations shall be completely removed from within the Right of Way.

(c) Dealing with Anthills

Where anthills are encountered within the limits of the road prism, they shall be excavated to a depth of not less than 750 mm below the finished road level and the material carted to spoil. Cavities resulting from the clearance of anthill material shall be backfilled with approved material and compacted to a density not less than that of the surrounding ground. Where directed by the Engineer, the area covered by anthills shall be treated, after excavation and before backfilling of cavities, with an approved ant control chemical. Payment for such treatment shall be made in the manner specified in the contract.

(d) Disposal of Material

Material obtained from clearing and grubbing shall be disposed off in borrow pits or other suitable places and be covered up with soil or gravel as directed by the Engineer. The burning of combustible material shall not, normally, be permitted and may only be done with the prior written approval of the Engineer. Where fences have to be taken down, fencing wire shall be neatly wound into reels and all such wire, together with all fence posts and other serviceable material from structures, etc., shall be stacked at sites indicated by the Engineer.

(e) Re clearing of Vegetation

When portions of the road reserve, borrow or other areas have been cleared in accordance with the Specifications, but in the course of time, vegetation grows again during construction, the Engineer may, if he considers it necessary, order that the area be re cleared. Before the bottom layer of the embankment is made, the Contractor shall grub up and remove any vegetation that may in the meantime have grown on the surfaces previously cleared and grubbed. Such re clearing of areas previously cleared include the removal and disposal of grass, shrubs and other vegetation in the same manner as for the first cleaning operation. No separate payment shall be made for re clearing of vegetation.

(4) Measurement

Clearing and grubbing executed as per this Specification shall be measured in square meter. Cutting trees including removal of stumps and their roots of girth above 300 mm and backfilling to required compaction shall be measured in number according to the sizes given below:

(a) Above 300 mm to 600 mm

(b) Above 600 mm to 900 mm

(c) Above 900 mm to 1800 mm

(d) Above 1800 mm to 2500 mm

(e) Above 2500 mm to 3000 mm

(f) Above 3000 mm

For this purpose, girth shall be measured at a height 1 meter above the ground. Cutting of trees up to 300 mm girth including removal of stumps and roots and backfilling of holes with compaction shall not measure separately.

(5) Payment

Clearing and grubbing and cutting trees shall be paid at their respective contract unit rates which shall be the full and the final compensation to the Contractor. The contract unit rate for cutting of trees of girth above 300 mm shall also include handling, salvaging, piling and disposing off the cleared materials with all leads and lifts.

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