Bearing capacity of the soil is the
capacity of the soil to support the loads applied to the ground. The bearing
capacity of the soil is the maximum average contact pressure between the
foundation and the soil which should not produce shear failure in the soil.
From this article you will know how to
calculate the bearing capacity of the soil within 5 minutes. If you are
planning to build any house then you should know this procedure to calculate
the bearing capacity of the soil so you can make house on that site. This
question is generally asked in the interviews as well. So here is the blog that
how can you check the bearing capacity of the soil.
Procedure to calculate bearing capacity of soil
1.1. Excavate a pit of required
2. 2. Take a iron cube or concrete
cube or any iron ball (whose dimension and weight is known)
3. 3.
Drop the cube or ball
several times from the known height of the excavated pit.
4.4. Calculate the average depth
of impression
Take average value of Depth
Formula for calculating Bearing Calculating
Bearing Capacity of Soil (Sand):
UR (Bearing Capacity):
R = (W*H)/d
R= Ultimate Resistance of Soil (kg)
d= Average depth of impression (cm)
W= Weight if solid ball or square cube
(in kg)
h= Height of fall of cube (the known
height from where the ball or cube was dropped)
So this is the formula for calculation
of Bearing Capacity of the Soil and this process involves finding the Ultimate
bearing capacity of the soil and this is the last bearing capacity of the soil
but we have to find the safe bearing capacity for the proper safety so after
finding the Resistance we will convert it into Safe Bearing Capacity.
For Example, Here is the solved
numerical to find the bearing capacity of the soil:
Weight of Cube : 5 KG
Height of fall : 150cm
Depth Impression : 8cm+8.9cm+5cm+6cm
(this measurement is taken by dropping the ball or cube several times)
Depth Impression Average: (8+8.9+5+6)cm/4
= 6.975 cm
R = (W*H)/d
= 107.5 kg
Then, Resistance of Soil per unit Area :
R/A = 107.5/(15*15) = 0.47 kg/cm2
So this is the Ultimate Bearing Capacity
but now we will find the safe bearing capacity ofthe soil which will make it more safer so
that if later on the load increases double then the safe building capacity then
also it doesn’t matter and it will be safer.
So the Safe Bearing Capacity =R/A*FoS
R = Ultimate Bearing Capacity of soil
A= Area
FoS = Safety Factor ( It
varies From 2 to 3) You should take the value between two to three to find the
Safe bearing capacity of the soil
So we will solve it;
So the Safe Bearing Capacity =R/A*FoS
= 107.5/225*2
0.23 kg/cm2
This is how you can find the safe bearing capacity of the soil.